Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Suicide Is Painless

The lyrics to the Mash Theme Song keep running through my head today, especially the refrain which is:

"that suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

and I can take or leave it if I please."

Two years ago today a gentle, young man, full of promise and creative genius stepped onto tracks and ended his life. I knew his pain well. I know what battling depression is like. I also know how hard it is to fight off the demons that are within your soul.

Giancarlo Colombo reminds me to stay in touch with my own feelings, to be gentle with myself and to have compassion for others. He continues to lead by example and from the heart.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

There's Always Hope

I wanted to update everyone on my house situation as I've been away for some time. I don't wish my situation on anyone. The fact that my homebuilder is playing stupid, the flood remediation company (ServPro) trashed my life and then put a lien on my house because I had issues with their work, have not made my life any easier.

Fortunately a good attorney can get you through the hell. I plan on starting a website about ServPro which will include my story and photos of my house and how they left it.

The good news is I had the good fortune to find the most beautiful rustic and carved Mexican furniture. Some of it was delivered today. It's nice to feel like home is coming back together.

For over a month my chihuahua and I had to live in a Motel 6 because the water was shut off to the house. There were two pipe breaks, one outside and the big one inside. Everything has been fixed, but I'm trying to decide what I want to do with the concrete slab. I'm inclined to not put carpet in again and have my floor stained and sealed.

My pets and I slept on an air mattress for a month until I could start to replace furniture. We had to sleep in the kitchen. Needless to say my pets loved the air sofa (that's what they call it) and we have managed to survive this ordeal.

It's been so weird to realize how much I lost, I've had to replace everything from the lawnmower to my cancer meds. So much was tossed out, so much that could have been saved.

Oh pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My House Flooded What A Mess!!!!

I've just been really busy and then all of the sudden my house floods. Thank goodness I handed off the Bluelips project to Karen because right now I'm spending all my time just trying to figure out what to do with my home.

For those of you considering buying a Choice Home please don't. I've had foundation issues and my house kept popping. Now my plumbing blew up.

It looks like I might lose my home. But you know what I've wanted to move on for some time now. Who knows maybe this will end up to be a good thing.