Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fly The Friendly Skies

Wow, this has been an amazing year of travel for me. I've traveled over 237,000 domestic miles alone. That's quite a feat. Between kidney stones and a broken foot it was quite a feet! (pun intended). I'll hit my million miler status on April 6th, 2011. Yes, I have it worked down to the very flight. This means I am really being anal about it all or I'm mileage obsessed. Maybe I am 1K obsessed!  The thing is my big thing is getting on the plane early enough so I know my laptop will get into one of the overhead bins. The bigger seats in first class are nice, but the food sucks, but even that isn't as important as knowing my laptop is safe. Silly really.
Phony, Arrogant People

 In March of this year I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet one of the most insensitive human beings I've ever encountered. It never ceases to amaze me how people expect you to live by their agenda and their agenda only. In one of her emails to me she stated that she hadn't taken my feelings into account. Yes, that sums it up nicely, Connie Hunt.  Your callousness is so noted, now go write a song about that. I will never forget you or your insincerity. In fact you have inspired my own writing and my own music. And your way is not the better way, my dear, it's simply your own ego trying to control everything to your advantage.