Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Terri Schiavo

I've been following this case quite extensively and I have my own feelings about it.

I don't believe that Terri Schiavo would want the media attention, the court or political involvement either, I believe that Terri Schiavo would want this matter to be kept private.

I understand that is it hard for her parents to let go, I believe that Terri Schiavo should have been allowed serious rehabilitation years ago, now would probably be too late anyway. What kind of a life is this for a young woman who was full of promise?

I am not advocating Terri Schiavo die any more than I am saying Michael Schiavo should get to keep the money. This is a disturbing case that is tearing more than just the family members apart. The entire world is now involved in this family matter.

When I got my diagnosis in 1999 I made sure I had a Medical Power of Attorney, A Living Will and a DNR in place.

If for nothing else this is a perfect example of why everyone should plan for the worst. What has happened to Terri Schiavo could happen to any of us for any medical reason.

Think about it and plan for yourself, do it now!

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