Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am a Starbucks junkie. Venti hot chocolate, extra hot,whip, hold the drizzle. Not exactly the kind of nourishment a cancer patient should probably be taking in, but I look at it this way. "What have I got to lose?"

The great thing about Starbucks is that they have T Mobile Hot Spot service there. I only have dial up at home and we aren't even able to get DSL at my house. With my laptop being wireless it's so nice to be able to go and enjoy a beverage, a munchie and do what I need to do at lightning speed.

I've been bugging T Mobile to come up with wireless for homes. They say they are working on something. Stay tuned. I'll be one of the first ones to get it if I am still here.

I guess I shouldn't save if, think positive. I will be here.

My illness isn't cureable, but I've survived longer than most people thought I would and the great thing is I've had time to become laptop proficient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is one of the best out there and certainly quite entertaining. Bravo to you dear lady in your struggle. May you have a long and happy life.