Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

I don't know what it is about travel, but I almost always seem to catch something. I had a cold in April and again in May which has kept me from singing and I sure as heck have not been inspired to write much. I've tried every trick in the book to keep from getting sick, but I still manage to pick up every germ floating around me. Maybe I need to wear a plastic bubble or something. The great thing is I was so inspired in March and did quite a bit of writing that I'm not feeling guilty about not being more productive right now.

It is what it is. I think when I can get to a point where I'm not living on a jet my health will improve. I hope to be flying less as of next year. Of course that all depends on what happens with my music and my book, but for the moment I'm just letting it be.

Life is like a box of chocolates, too bad I can't seem to eat just one.