Thursday, April 01, 2010

Satan Uses Fedex For Packages  8715 5666 8666 (Connie Hunt)

Somehow accepting a package with all those 666's in it felt rather creepy. I was warned it was coming and instructed my staff to hire a priest to scare off any demons and refuse the package.

I will never understand why people think that shoving
materialistic crap down someone's throat is just what the doctor ordered. It's fine what someone believes, but don't try to recruit me into your 4 agreement cult. I am not interested in  anything that encourages people to pass judgment, to slam dunk people emotionally and not take ownership for your own faults and behaviors. 

Sure seems to me that some people like to hide behind something symbolic of a mother's skirt or umbilical cord.  Time to face reality and face your own demons without hiding from the truth.