Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I So Believe In Karma (Connie Hunt)

My life has always had a funny way of turning out o.k. for me. I've always taken negatives in my life and turned them into positives. Karma really can come back and bite you. I've always believed in taking care of the planet and in harvesting great relationships with everyone I meet.

Lately, I had wondered if I was doing something wrong. I'm very glad I made my trip to L.A. as I met some very wonderful people, discussed my options with my agent and made some critical decisions for myself in terms of health, emotional well being and what I hope to do with my music and writing.

When I landed in San Francisco, I had to change planes to get back home, I felt very peaceful.

Karma is something I will never mess with. Next to Karma the Goddess Pele is high on my list of forces never to piss off.