Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fly The Friendly Skies

Wow, this has been an amazing year of travel for me. I've traveled over 237,000 domestic miles alone. That's quite a feat. Between kidney stones and a broken foot it was quite a feet! (pun intended). I'll hit my million miler status on April 6th, 2011. Yes, I have it worked down to the very flight. This means I am really being anal about it all or I'm mileage obsessed. Maybe I am 1K obsessed!  The thing is my big thing is getting on the plane early enough so I know my laptop will get into one of the overhead bins. The bigger seats in first class are nice, but the food sucks, but even that isn't as important as knowing my laptop is safe. Silly really.
Phony, Arrogant People

 In March of this year I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet one of the most insensitive human beings I've ever encountered. It never ceases to amaze me how people expect you to live by their agenda and their agenda only. In one of her emails to me she stated that she hadn't taken my feelings into account. Yes, that sums it up nicely, Connie Hunt.  Your callousness is so noted, now go write a song about that. I will never forget you or your insincerity. In fact you have inspired my own writing and my own music. And your way is not the better way, my dear, it's simply your own ego trying to control everything to your advantage.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Time Warp 2010

I can't believe I haven't posted in a while, but life has been busy for many reasons. Royce was captured in July and is facing Murder charges. I was called to testify at his bail reduction hearing, but not knowing Royce socially I really couldn't be of much help to him. I think everyone involved in this was relieved his bail was not reduced primarily because of two reasons, he might be a flight risk and certainly many of us were worried about his safety.

My kidney stone situation got dramatically worse over the last few months. At one point it was believed that it might be a para thyroid problem causing stones, but alas it is more related to my cancer treatment. I've been producing uric acid stones in some abundance. For those who have never had a kidney stone they are like giving birth to a COW! I am having an IVP test done Friday to gauge whether I have a stone stuck right now or possibly a blood clot.  Lesson learned drink A LOT more water!

All my creativity is on hold for the moment. I've had to put my health on top priority, but hope to be back to normal soon.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Royce Alan Dotson-Where Are You?

Royce, if you haven't seen my message to you on Facebook here it is:

Royce- When I told you were the son I never had, I meant it. I still feel that way, but the longer you put off turning yourself in the worse it will be. Your side of the story needs to be told, right now all we know is what the media is telling us. I know you Royce and I know your pain. I've spoken with your mom and she has my number. Please contact us as we want to help, you need to meet us half way. Your mom and I are concerned about you, as is your family. We are not sitting in judgment of you, we know that there is more to this story that has yet to be told. Help us to help you, Royce.

This young man is so full of promise, I have not given up hope, nor have I given up on him. Sometimes we take the wrong path, sometimes our situation is unbearable and we may not know what to do, and sometimes we act out and deeply regret our transgressions. I will be with you every step of the way, but you have got to think this through. Running away does nothing, it only adds to the prosecutions case. The longer you put this off the worse it will be for you. You and I have had some great talks and I feel I know you well. I am willing to be on your side and to testify on your behalf, but you have to trust in what I am telling you and stop running. I care about you, I am losing a lot of sleep over you and I just want you to know you are not alone.

I've never stopped believing in you. I never will. Please do the right thing, there are many of us who care about you who will stand by you. We know you did not mean for this to happen. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

United Airlines Should Name A Jet After Me

I was going through my frequent flier account tonight and discovered that I have already flown 60 segments this year. I'm already re-qualified for 1K status, but not a million miler yet. I'm edging closer to it though and the day I finally make it will be a huge milestone for me.

95% of the flights I have flown have been as a cancer patient flying for a cure. All my accrued mileage is from domestic flights. In other words, I truly am earning my status.

I'll be the first to tell you that the upgrades are sometimes nice, though I have had some awful seats, but nothing will ever make me love airplane food. It ranks right up there with the worst hospital food.

I tried eating kosher on a flight once and the smell was so bad that other passengers were complaining. I will lay you ten to one odds that there was no way that food was blessed by a rabbi.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Got This In My Email Today, The Subject Being "Hello Scam Victim". 

I almost died laughing when I read this, not only because of the grammatical errors, but the sheer absurdity of it all. Unfortunately, someone WILL believe this came from the FBI and they will fall for it.

We the Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) Washington, DC in conjunction with some other relevant Investigation Agencies like  Economic and Financial Crime   Commission (EFCC) Internal Revenue Service and INTERPOL here in the United states of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence 
Monitoring network that you have been scammed by those scammers from African's continent.
We also want you to know that the UNITED NATION have been compensating the scam victims by the advance fee scam going on in Africa and have mapped out the sum  of  US$150,000,000.00 to compensate the scam victim here on our list and If you are not informed, your name is among the 75 scam victims.
We will like you to know that the UNITED NATIONS are compensating the scam victim with the sum of US$1,000,000.00 each to the 75 scam victims. As a matter of  fact, you are required to Deal and Communicate only with MR. EDWARD MC-KEY, Director Foreign Operations Lloyd's TSB Bank Plc London. Phone: +44 703 594 3691
Fax:    +44 870 471 5132 Email: edward.mckeyuk@gmail.com
Information for your transfer.
Contact Person: Mr. Edward MC-key
Director Foreign Operations
Lloyd's TSB Bank Plc London
Phone:  +44 703 594 3691
Fax:    +44 870 471 5132
Email: edward.mckeyuk@gmail.com
Furthermore we will like you to stop communicating with any scam emails you will be receiving, this is to help us stop scam in the World.
Best Regards,
Robert S. Mueller III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

I don't know what it is about travel, but I almost always seem to catch something. I had a cold in April and again in May which has kept me from singing and I sure as heck have not been inspired to write much. I've tried every trick in the book to keep from getting sick, but I still manage to pick up every germ floating around me. Maybe I need to wear a plastic bubble or something. The great thing is I was so inspired in March and did quite a bit of writing that I'm not feeling guilty about not being more productive right now.

It is what it is. I think when I can get to a point where I'm not living on a jet my health will improve. I hope to be flying less as of next year. Of course that all depends on what happens with my music and my book, but for the moment I'm just letting it be.

Life is like a box of chocolates, too bad I can't seem to eat just one.

Monday, May 03, 2010

May Day May Day

O.K. don't get all worked up I was just playing around here. It's already May and this is a new day in May.

I really appreciate all the great feedback I've been getting about this blog and I am becoming more comfortable with sharing my thoughts here. A few have asked about leaving comments. The reason I turned it off was due to spam mostly, I just don't have time to monitor this and our forum, too.

I'm grateful to hear that there are many fans out there who look forward to my posts. It really does my heart good to know that people appreciate this blog.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Crazy Little Thing Called Life

As much as I seem to live on airplanes you would think that I'd be a better judge of character. What I've come to realize is that even in travel you have the good, the bad and the ugly. It's pretty sad when you look at your fellow passenger and you wonder if they are wanted for murder somewhere.

I actually like to travel, but also love my space. I like a spot on the beach just for me so I can shoot beautiful sunsets and meditate by the ocean side. Crowds sometimes make me crazy. I'm a loner, but I am not anti-social. 

I'm on my own path in life and I feel just fine about who I am and where I am going.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Inner Bitch (Connie Hunt)

          We all have it, just some people perpetually live it I think. Personally I find it highly annoying when someone speaks to me in psychobabble, I'd much prefer Pig Latin or Afrikaans in lieu of language that seems full of filler and ego.  People who write Gone With The Wind, when a simple sentence will describe the same thing drive me nuts. They think they are communicating, when in reality they are creating confusion and mixed messages. I'm more of a "get to the point" or "bottom line this for me" kind of a person.
Creeping Crud

Traveling can be so darn hard. Since early March I've flown roughly 14 times and have amassed almost 80,000 airmiles. I picked up a cold at Chicago O'Hare where I was stranded a week ago. I call it the "Creeping Crud". When I laugh I sound like Mutley the cartoon dog. O'Hare is the worst airport to be stranded. Thank goodness it pays to complain as the airlines are more than accomodating especially when you are a very frequent traveler.

Two more weeks of this flying insanity and then I will have a break. In May I am actually going to spend some time in Hawaii for more than a few hours. I think I've earned a vacation. I can't wait.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Satan Uses Fedex For Packages  8715 5666 8666 (Connie Hunt)

Somehow accepting a package with all those 666's in it felt rather creepy. I was warned it was coming and instructed my staff to hire a priest to scare off any demons and refuse the package.

I will never understand why people think that shoving
materialistic crap down someone's throat is just what the doctor ordered. It's fine what someone believes, but don't try to recruit me into your 4 agreement cult. I am not interested in  anything that encourages people to pass judgment, to slam dunk people emotionally and not take ownership for your own faults and behaviors. 

Sure seems to me that some people like to hide behind something symbolic of a mother's skirt or umbilical cord.  Time to face reality and face your own demons without hiding from the truth.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I So Believe In Karma (Connie Hunt)

My life has always had a funny way of turning out o.k. for me. I've always taken negatives in my life and turned them into positives. Karma really can come back and bite you. I've always believed in taking care of the planet and in harvesting great relationships with everyone I meet.

Lately, I had wondered if I was doing something wrong. I'm very glad I made my trip to L.A. as I met some very wonderful people, discussed my options with my agent and made some critical decisions for myself in terms of health, emotional well being and what I hope to do with my music and writing.

When I landed in San Francisco, I had to change planes to get back home, I felt very peaceful.

Karma is something I will never mess with. Next to Karma the Goddess Pele is high on my list of forces never to piss off.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sincerely Insincere People (Connie Hunt)

Have you ever met someone who could care less how you feel? That your feelings not only didn't matter to them, but they honestly expected you to agree with them and their perceptions of you?

Compassion is not something these people have to show anyone. They are so focused on the "me" in their lives, that they can never see the "we". When I reach out and touch someone, it's a sincere gesture of friendship. It's not often I put myself out there because I'm a little gun shy from past experiences. I tend to be too trusting and tend to open my heart up to people who don't have a clue as to what I am all about.

The great thing is some of my greatest writing comes from these very experiences. I've already decided to title my album "Illusion" and will be working with local musicians to make it a reality. I've also continued working on my book.

Tuesday I fly to Los Angeles to meet with an agent who wants to represent me. He saw me in "Flight From Death" and "Penn and Teller Bullshit Season Two Death Inc", but he mostly heard about me through locals and has seen me perform here in Dallas. I'm certainly not a rock star, but folks have been encouraging me to both share my songs and poetry. I've decided to go for it.

I'm a person who can create just about anywhere, that includes Starbucks, on a plane, sometimes just walking or taking a shower.When the inspiration hits, I have a pen and pad nearby so I can jot down lyrics or a melody. In the last two days I've written an instrumental song called "Sweet Chili Sauce" and a new song called "White Trash Diva".

I am not about to let heartache stop me from being who I am, but I wish the world had a few less sincerely insincere people in it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Illusion or Hallucination?

I wrote three songs while on a trip recently, here are the lyrics to one of them.

The song is called "Illusion"

Imagine by a chance of fate,
You met a dream face to face
She waltzed in and then walked out
Leaving you with little doubt
That it was just an illusion.

And when you woke, what might have been
Some things are never what they seem,
Dreams may come, but then depart
Lessons learned from the heart.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Social Media CAN HURT YOU!

Social media is great for promoting your music, your writing, but it can be extremely scary for someone who is trying to use it as a means of "connecting" with others. When I joined an email list a few years ago I became the subject of some very vicious gossip. There were women who supported me, but there were also a few who were so determined to out me as some sort of fraud, an insensitive human being, the scum of the earth. For some time I have tried to avoid people who are negative, unfortunately they have found me on Facebook.

I apologized to the list some time ago, as I am not perfect and I do make mistakes. Some were willing to accept my apology, others have continually beaten me down.

People who do love and care about me often want to know why I've been so fearful of letting people into my life. I think now they fully understand why I tend to be guarded.

I just recently returned from a trip only to find in my Facebook file a few notes from some folks who have advised me that there are some derrogatory comments about me being circulated through Facebook messaging. I hope that those of you who do know me will consider the source and those of you who don't know me I hope you will try to see through it all.

I am not a perfect person, I have made mistakes in my life, but I also try to make right when I commit a wrong. I'm being unjustly crucified and it's killing me inside.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Just A Song Before I Go.....

To whom it may concern, traveling twice the speed of sound it's easy to get burned...

Graham Nash

I've always loved that song, especially now since it seems to apply to my life so well.

I'm just not sure what to think of anything at the moment. I am taking off for who knows where to just think, write some music and poetry, and just get away from everyone. I can't give any more than I have and I feel like I let people down all the time. I find solace in flying, in escaping to peaceful and tranquil places. I have a right to peace of mind.

I'm so tired of not being good enough, of not giving enough.

And I'm scared to death that when I do open up my heart, that it's all just a dream. That those connections we have that come unexpectedly are just something we've imagined.

I'm tired of hurting, tired of feeling inadequate, tired of feeling like I've failed people.

I've always been a loving and giving person, but I have needs, too. For just once in my life I would like to feel that I'm good enough at something.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Song for Morticians

The following can be sung to "Santa Claus is Coming To Town".

Yes I wrote it!

You better do me and do me right,
Pickle me any day or night,
Make me rigid, hard and pretty.

Oh do me with class, don't laugh at my ass
Make me look real, relieve me of gas
Make me rigid, hard and pretty.

And when you do my viewing I hope that folks will say
She looks just like a million bucks cause that's what they'll have to pay.

Oh you better do me and do me right
Pickle me any time of day or night
Make me rigid, hard and pretty.

I'm Not Dead....YET

I've been a very bad blogger. I know I should post more and there is much for me to say. I've had some time to reflect on my life and have had some real adventures in the past three years. I'll try harder, don't give up on me please!